Around this time of year, an upcoming new fiscal year, I take the time to look back on my past accomplishments, what went well and what needs improvement. In the military, this is commonly known as an AAR (after action review). I also do this around December, getting ready for the calendar year. Back when I only did it for the calendar year, I noticed that I was missing opportunities earlier because there were events that were based on fiscal year such as professional education and training events. So now, I do it twice: prepare for the FY in September (Oct-Sep) and for the CY in December (Jan-Dec).
Now back to the lessons in my new book The LOTUS Within that is now available for pre-order here (Amazon) that is also helpful for the new FY planning is evaluating your current self.
When it comes to planning your future, it’s essential to start by understanding yourself. Have a clear understanding of who you are right now, including your strengths, weaknesses, values, passions, and goals. But you can only do this if you honest about how you have arrived here. That means revisiting your past.
Take the time to go back to your responses from the self reflection blog here. Reflect on your past self and appreciate what you have done so far. Also, reflect on how you plan your future, prioritize, and manage your time. Determine what is working, not working, and what your biggest challenges are. This is essential for planning your future.
By understanding who you are right now and what you want to achieve, you can create a strategic plan that aligns with your values, passions, and goals. Regular self-assessment and feedback from others can help you stay on track and adjust as needed, ensuring that you continue to grow and thrive.
Here's to a great fiscal year 2025!